E-resources List

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★Eduroam, wireless LAN service is available in a campus from March 2018.

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How to search E-resources available at Shizuoka University.

Electronic Journals/Books
(Publication Finder)
You can browse or search e-journal/e-book titles available through SUL. To find both print and electronic titles, use OPAC.
SUL OPAC (Online Catalog) Our OPAC will give you e-journals/e-books results along with traditional print volumes.


E-Journals Available at Shizuoka University.

You can search the following titles on OPAC and Publication Finder.

On Campus both Sizuoka and Hamamatsu.
Shizuoka Only Shizuoka Campus only.
Hamamatsu Only Hamamatsu Campus only.
GakuNin, Other You can use from outside of a campus with your SHIZUDAI ID. For more details, read “How to Use E-resources from Outside of a Campus”.

※“Available year” note is include charge free part as much as possible, so it may be changed without notice.

Package contract

Package Description
On Campus
(American Chemical Society)
About 50 titles
On Campus

We can access to All JSTOR Archive and Primary Source collections (27 Collections).

All JSTOR Archive and Primary Source collections
・Archive Journal Collections
・Thematic Collections
・Primary Source Collections
On Campus
Back issues of journals published by Oxford University Press before 2003.
Springer Archive Full Collection (-1995)
Springer Online Collection (1996-2004)
Taylor and Francis Science and engineering collection 3 fields Backfile (-1996) 120 titles, etc.
On Campus
(American Physical Society)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
PROLA gives access to all APS journal content, except for the current year and the preceding four years.
ScienceDirect (Freedom Collection)
On Campus
About 2200 titles
On Campus
(Springer Nature)
Backfile (-1999) About 1000 titles
Current (2000-) About 2000 titles
On Campus
Terms of Use
About 1400 titles

Each title

Title Description
Hamamatsu Only
(University of Chicago Press)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Shizuoka Only
(Cambridge University Press)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
If you use this title from outside of the campus, please click on GakuNin, and see “Cambridge Core (Cambridge University Press) “.
Hamamatsu Only
(American Institute of Physics)
Shizuoka Only
(Chemical Society of Japan/Oxford University Press)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Hamamatsu Only
(American Institute of Physics)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
On Campus
(Chemical Society of Japan/Oxford University Press)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
On Campus
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
If you use this title from outside of the campus, please click on GakuNin, and see “Wiley Online Library(Wiley) “.
Shizuoka Only
(University of Houston)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Hamamatsu Only
Journal in English A-D
Journal in Japanese A-D
Hamamatsu Only
(Taylor & Francis)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
On Campus
(IOP Publishing Limited)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
If you use this title from outside of the campus, please click on GakuNin, and see “IOP science (IOP Publishing) “.
Hamamatsu Only
(American Institute of Physics)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Hamamatsu Only
(Society of Chemical Engineers,Japan)
On Campus
(IOP Publishing Limited)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
If you use this title from outside of the campus, please click on GakuNin, and see “IOP science (IOP Publishing) “.
On Campus
(Physical Society of Japan)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Shizuoka Only
(SAGE Publications)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
On Campus
(IOP Publishing Limited)
If you use this title from outside of the campus, please click on GakuNin, and see “IOP science (IOP Publishing) “.
On Campus
On Campus
(Springer Nature)
2 titles
(OECD Publications Centre)

OECD iLibrary is moving to open access and making all its publications freely available to everyone to read and download.

Hamamatsu Only
(Optical Society of America)
Hamamatsu Only
(American Physical Society)
You can also use this title in Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA).(Embargo 4 years)
On Campus
(American Physical Society)
Hamamatsu Only
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Shizuoka Only
(American Physical Society)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
On Campus
(American Association for the Advancement of Science)
2 titles
Hamamatsu Only
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Hamamatsu Only
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Shizuoka Only
(Oxford University Press)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.
Shizuoka Only
(De Gruyter)
Purchased by laboratory expenses.


E-Books Available at Shizuoka University.

You can search the following titles on OPAC and Publication Finder.

On Campus both Sizuoka and Hamamatsu.
Shizuoka Only Shizuoka Campus only.
Hamamatsu Only Hamamatsu Campus only.
GakuNin, Other You can use from outside of a campus with your SHIZUDAI ID. For more details, read “How to Use E-resources from Outside of a Campus”.
Package Description
On Campus
(Cambridge University Press)
156 titles
On Campus
(EBSCO host)
Subscribing 150 titles
Copyright-Free About 3500 titles
On Campus
(Emerald Group Publishing)
Business Management & Economics collection (1991-2012)
708 titles
On Campus
(MHM Ltd)
246 titles
On Campus
about 1900 titles
On Campus
about 2450 titles
On Campus
※You can preview the full text over 1.5 million ebooks for 5 minutes which has not purchased.
48 titles
Purchase Title List[PDF]
On Campus
Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering(Second Edition) (2017)
Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technologys. 5 vols (2010)
Comprehensive Organic Synthesis (1991)
Comprehensive Organic Synthesis II (Second Edition) (2014)
Computer Science (2012)
Interconnecting smart objects with IP : the next Internet(2010)
International encyclopedia of education. 8 vols (2010)
Mathematics (2008 4 titles,2009 3 titles)
Methods in Enzymology (2009-2013)
Sol-gel science : the physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing (1990)
Williams textbook of endocrinology (2016)
Treatise on Geophysics 2nd Edition (2015) etc.
On Campus
(Springer Nature)
Architecture and Design (2005)
Behavioral Science (2005,2009)
Biomedical and Life Sciences (2005,2009,2012)
Business and Economics (2005,2009,2011)
Chemistry and Materials Science
Computer Science (2005,2009)
Earth and Environmental Science (2005,2009,2012)
Engineering (2005,2009)
Humanities, Social Science and Law (2005,2009)
Mathematics and Statistics (2005,2009)
Medicine (2005,2009)
Physics and Astronomy (2005,2009)
Saddleback Interactive eBooks

*To use it, click the link in the right column.

On Campus
(Saddleback Educational Publishing)
Graded Readers
Fiction 1: Mystery & Adventure eBook Collection(ALL30 titles)
Fiction 2: Life Lessons eBook Collection(ALL 40 titles)
70 titles
On Campus
37 titles


Popular Free E-Journals


Name Description
All Subjects
Provided by Public Library of Science
Medical Science, Biology
Provided by BioMed Central
All Subjects
Provided by CLOCKSS
All Subjects
Provided by Lund University Libraries
covers mainly Medical Science, Biology
Provided by Stanford University
All Subjects
Provided by Hindawi
All Subjects
Provided by Public Library of Service
Medical Science, Biology
Provided by U.S.National Institutes of Health
All Subjects
Provided by Elsevier
All Subjects
Provided by Springer Nature
All Subjects
Provided by Wiley


Site Description


All Subjects
Provided by National Institute of Informatics
Partially free. If an orange button is displayed on search results screen, you can read the article text on the web.
covers mainly Natural Science
Provided by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Partially free.
Provided by Provided by NPO ABC
Search in a free term modern newspaper in Shizuoka Prefecture (Meiji – Showa) full article, browse the article content.
All Subjects
Provided by National Diet Library
(Shizuoka University is a partner library, and “Available only at the NDL and partner libraries” are available at the library counter.)
All Subjects
Provided by Nature Japan


Popular Free E-Books


Name Description
All Subjects
Provided by OAPEN


Name Description
Provided by Aozora Bunko
All Subjects
Provided by National Diet Library
(Shizuoka University is a partner library, and “Available only at the NDL and partner libraries” are available at the library counter.)