  Open Library will be held(8/1~8/6)


Open Library at the Shizuoka Main Library will be held in conjunction with the Summer Open Campus.

■August 1st(Thu) – August 6th(Tue), 2024 (Closed on August 4th(Sun))
■Shizuoka Main Library

Please take a look the Shizuoka University Library website for Opening Hours.
During the period, the exhibits that related to learning and research at Shizuoka University and the library tour will be held.
If you would like to observe the library, please ask at the service counter.

・The Exhibition of faculty writings of Shizuka University

・The Book Exhibition by the Student Advisory Group

・The Library Tours (*August 1st, 2nd, 6th only)

(*Click the image to open the PDF.)

  e-Book Requests Accepted & Full Page Trial Readings


The Shizuka University Library is currently running an eBook campaign. The contents are the following two. [free of charge]

You can make a purchase request to the library. [for all students]

You can also try out full-page e-Books that have not yet been purchased at Shizuoka University.[for all students, faculty, staff]

2024 e-Book Campaign 2024 e-Book Campaign
Click the image to enlarge.

How to use

  [1] Find eBooks on the website KinoDen!
  [2] Click on the “試し読み” button to quickly read the full page.
  [3] If you are a student, click the “購入リクエスト” button for good books to make it into the library collection.

Use KinoDen from outside a campus

About the Campaign
About KinoDen eBooks Purchase Request
  [Participants] Students of Shizuoka University
  [Type of book] E-books for learning and culture
  [Period] Jul.8th, 2024 – Jan.7th, 2025 (6 months)  
  [Number of books] Up to 5 books per student
We will stop accepting requests when the budget limit is reached.

About KinoDen Full-text Trial Reading Service
  [Participants] Students, faculty, and staff of Shizuoka University
  [Period] Jul.8th, 2024 – Jan.7th, 2025 (6 months)

Usually, only a small part of the book is available to try out, but during the campaign, you can read the full pages.
Use it to check the full pages before submitting a purchase request, for example.


  Furniture Forest in Shizuoka


This is a furniture exhibition organized by the Modern Industry Seminar of the Department of Economics, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Would you like to think about the relationship between forests and humans through the wooden furniture and accessories on display?
When students who belong the Modern Industry Seminar are present at the gallery, you can enjoy the exhibition chatting with them.

■July 10th (Wed) – August 2nd (Fri) 9am – 5pm : Monday – Friday

■Shizuoka Main Library 4th floor, Gallery

2024年度 第2回 Exhibition

(*Click the image to open the PDF.)

  Visitors are limited use of library during University’s exam period.(7/11~7/31)


During following periods, please do not use library as a self-study area or use seats for a long time.
Visitors can only use when read or borrow holding materials.

Jul.11th(Thu) – Jul.31st(Wed)

  Extended Checkout for Summer Vacation (Students only)


The loan period and return date during the summer vacation are as follows.

Student Type of Item Check-out Due date
Undergrad. All Jul.25 – Sep.21 Oct.7
Grad. Open Shelf (Shizuoka)
Others Jul.8 – Sep.6

  Newly arrived eBooks [from January 1st until June 19th, 2024] 436 books


New eBooks are available now! You can search for eBooks available in Shizuoka University Library on the OPAC and can read them from the linked URL in the search results.


Newly arrived ebooks
You can use these on campus and off-campus through “GakuNin”.

  Shizuoka Main Library is going to close at 6 p.m. (May 28th)


Because of the approach of Typhoon No.1, Shizuoka Main Library is going to close at 6 p.m.

  [Ended] Gallery Exhibition「私たちの知事選2024」


This exhibition is the poster presentation about the election for Shizuoka prefectural governor by students of the political science seminar, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
They compiled and analized the results of a survey conducted among Shizuoka University students regarding this election.
Feel free to drop by.

■May 16th (Thu) – May 28th (Tue) 9am – 5pm : Monday – Friday (The last day ends at 14:30.)

■Shizuoka Main Library 4th floor, Gallery

2024年度 第1回 Exhibition

(*Click the image to open the PDF)

  【Recovered】Wiley E-journals/E-books Off-Campus Access Error


Now you can use Off Campus Access. We are sorry for inconvienience(2024.May.23).

Wiley E-Journals/E-Books Off-Campus Access Error:
We have confirmed that errors are occurring when accessing Wiley’s e-journals and e-books.
We are currently working on it. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
*On-Campus Access is normally available.

  The Student Advisory Group members wanted!


Would you like to join the Student Advisory Group and do something to improve our library?
If you are interested, please contact the each library counter.

As for the activity of last year, please see the following.

 Shizuoka Main Library:図書館をつかう>静岡本館 学生モニター
 Hamamatsu Branch Library:図書館をつかう>浜松分館 学生モニター

Shizuoka Main Library

(*Click the image to open the PDF.)

Hamamatsu Branch Library

(*Click the image to open the PDF.)