Special Collection
Special collections
The League of Nations Publications
The League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations is established after the First World War. 3,571 items are held in Shizuoka University Main Library, and are sorted by 16 fields such as ‘League of Nations Records, Proceedings, Documents, Committees’, ‘Economic and Financial’, ‘Health’, ‘Social’, ‘Legal’, ‘Mandates’, ‘Slavery’, ‘Political’, ‘Communications and Transit’, ‘Disarmament’, ‘Financial Administration’, ‘Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs’, ‘Intellectual Co-operation’, ‘International Bureaux’, ‘General’ and ‘Reference’. Especially, official records of the League of Nations General Assembly are almost complete.
The materials are indispensable for interwar period studies of politics, economics, sociology and education, and are also valuable because this collection held in Shizuoka University Library and the other collection held in the National Diet Library complement each other.
(It was purchased on the Foreign book purchase budget of the Ministry of Education in fiscal year 1979.)
Hara Family Collection (Art and literature materials in the late Edo period)
The materials were purchased from Hara Family, old-established family in Oohira village (currently Numazu city), Sunto-Gun, Shizuoka prefecture. This collection includes 451 items (1,281 volumes) from the late Edo period to the Meiji era. It is a wide range valuable collection, consists of Haikai (seventeen-syllable verse) books mainly, Waka poetry books, Gesaku (a generic term for popular novels or stories), pictures, topographies, Buddhism books, Japanese classic literature books and natural science books. Researchers of Japanese literature, Japanese history and many-sided fields are expected to use it. Please see a book catalog 「原家旧蔵江戸後期芸文資料目録」 (in Japanese) .
(Year acquired : fiscal year 1986)
Modern German materials Collecton
- Statistik des Deutschen Reichs (Alte Folge),Bd.l-63,1873-1883.
- Statistik des Deutschen Reichs (Neue Folge),Bd.l-601,1884-1944.
- Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das Deutsche Reich,Bd.l-59,1880-1941/42.
- Statistisches Jahrbuch deutscher Gemeinden,Bd.l-70,1890-1983.
- Preu ische Statistik,Bd.l-305,1861-1933.
- Schriften des Vereins fur Sozialpolitik (Alte Folge),Bd.l-188,1873-1939.
- Schriften des Vereins fur Sozialpolitik (Neue Folge),Bd.l-220,1949-1993.
- Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung ,Verwaltung und Rechtspflege,Bd.l-4,1871-1876.
- Schmollers Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung ,Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft,Bd.l-68,1877-1944.
- Acta Borussica:Denkmaler der preu ischen Staatsverwaltung im 18.Jahrhundert,1892-1936.
- Jahresberichte der Gewerbe- Aufsichtsbeamten und Bergbehorden,1876-1937/38.
- Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv,Bd.l-85, 1890-2001
- Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft,Bd.l-141, 1844-1985
- Preu ische Jahrbucher,Bd.l-240,1858-1935.
They are basic materials for studying economics, politics, society and culture in modern Germany, and it is possible to obtain basic quantitative data from them.
(Year acquired : fiscal year 1987,1990 and 1993)
Le Monde,Dec.1944-Dec.1983 (microfilm)
‘Le Monde’ is one of the best newspaper in the world, started in Paris in 1944. It is considered as an important place of the press concerning the international situation because of its independence system from specific political parties and capital, its outstanding commentary and analysis, and its calm and fair coverage.
(Year acquired : fiscal year 1984)
Landolt-Bornstein Numerical Data
This is a huge experimental data collection on science and technology concerning elementary particles, atomic nuclei, structures and physical properties of atoms, molecules, crystals and so on, also solution chemistry, industrial chemistry, and mineral resource of the earth. Especially, back issues before 1994 in the field of physical properties are substantial.
(It was added to the existing collection in Shizuoka University Main Library in fiscal year 1995)
○ Comparative politics between Europe and America Collection
- American Journal of Political Science. Vols. 1-39 (1957-1995)
- Comparative Political Studies. (C.P.S) Vols. 1-29 (1968/69-1996)
- Comparative Politics. Vols. 1-29 (1968/69-1996/97)
- European Journal of Political Research. Vols. 1-28 (1973-1995)
- Journal of Public Policy. Vols. 1-12 (1981-1992)
- Journal of Politics. Vols. 1-58 (1939-1996)
- World Politics. Vols. 1-49 (1948/49-1995/96)
This is a systematic collection of major materials including remarkable and important articles, contributions and news on comparative politics which is becoming classics today.
(Year acquired : fiscal year 1999)
Personal collection
Kawai Family Collection (Newspapers in the Meiji and Taisho era)
There are some issues of ‘The Shizuoka Shimbun’ and ‘The Shizuoka Taimu Shimbun’ fragmentally , and many issues of ‘The Choya Shimbun’ in Tokyo published during the period of the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement in the Meiji era. The main part of the collection are ‘The Shizuoka Shimpo’ in the latter Meiji era and ‘The Shizuoka Minyu Shimbun’ from the latter Meiji era to the end of the Taisho era. Futhermore, we have the local edition of ‘The Hochi Shimbun’, ‘Tokyo Asahi Shimbun’, ‘The Yorodzu Choho’ and ‘The Tokyo Nichi nichi Shimbun’ published in the same period. These newspapers are essential materials for regional studies.
There is a microfilm collection of ‘The Shizuoka Minyu Shimbun’ and ‘The Shizuoka Shimpo’. Please see a book catalog 「河井家寄贈新聞目録」 (in Japanese).
(Donated through the courtesy of Mr. Shigetomo Kawai, the head of Kawai Family in Kakegawa in 1957)
The catalog of collections (in Japanese)
- 河井家寄贈新聞目録 1975年 [PDF]
- 宇山文庫目録 (英米文学関係資料) 1977年 [PDF]
- 大場秋雄氏寄贈エスペラント語関係資料目録 1977年 [PDF]
- 花岡文庫目録 (主に民族学関係) 1977年 [PDF]
- 国際連盟刊行物資料目録 1920年~1946年 1980年 [PDF]
- 旧制静岡高等学校蔵書和漢書書名リスト 1982年 [PDF]
- 静岡地方裁判所掛川支部寄贈図書目録 (明治期刊行法律書) 1986年 [PDF]
- 小此木文庫目録 (政治史・国際政治関係) 1987年 [PDF]
- 原家旧蔵江戸後期芸文資料目録 1988年 [PDF]
- 坂藤英隆氏寄贈図書目録 (中国語刊中国文学) 1988年 [PDF]
- 黒羽文庫目録 (日本近代史関係資料) 1990年 [PDF]
- 手塚弘保文庫目録 (ロシア語による人文科学関係資料) 1993年 [PDF]
- 河内清文庫目録 (フランス自然主義文学関係資料) 1995年 [PDF]
- 白石信明文庫目録 (法律関係専門図書) 1995年 [PDF]
- 田中敬一文庫寄贈図書目録 (主にフランス文学) 2000年 [PDF]
- 小澤康彦文庫目録 (英文学関係資料) 2001年 [PDF]
- 五井直弘文庫目録 (東洋史関係資料) 2002年 [PDF]
- 柴田周三寄贈図書リスト (理系基礎分野) 2009年 [PDF]
◆The article introducing three collections
- 地域・特別資料室収蔵の三つのコレクションについて(SURE:静岡大学学術リポジトリ)
The article about three collections at ‘REGIONAL & VALUABLE COLLECTION’ room (SURE:Shizuoka University Repositoty)