About the Shizuoka University REpository (SURE)

Shizuoka University Repository https://shizuoka.repo.nii.ac.jp/

About the Shizuoka University REpository (SURE)

The Shizuoka University REpository (SURE) is the system providing open access to scholarly research produced by researchers and students of Shizuoka University.
This service, provided by the library, supports the university in the preservation and dissemination of research.

Content of SURE

Type of contents

A variety of content can be deposited such as:

  • Journal Article
  • Departmental Bulletin Paper
  • Research Paper
  • Thesis or Dissertation
  • Dataset
  • Teaching Material


You may deposit content that meets the following requirements.

  • The content must be created by faculty members or students of Shizuoka University.
  • The content does not infringe intellectual property rights.
  • The content that is appropriate for open access.

Please refer to “静岡大学学術リポジトリ運用指針” for details.

Deposit and publication procedure

  • To deposit your content, upload it at ‘SURE contact form’ or submit the file by e-mail.
  • Different publishers have different requirements for publication. Some publishers will not allow you to publish your own content. We will check with the publishers and contact you.
  • Many publishers allow authors to publish their accepted manuscripts in a repository. Please save your accepted manuscripts.
  • What is the author’s accepted manuscript?


In order to deposit content in the repository, it is required to get permission from a copyright holder.
The copyright of the author or the publisher will not be transferred after the content is deposited.
About copyright [PDF, Japanese only]

The case publishers have the copyright:

If you get permission from the publisher, you can deposit your content in the repository.

Overseas You can check the copyright policy of a journal in SHERPA/RoMEO.
Domestic You can check the copyright policy of a journal in SCPJ:Society Copyright Policies in Japan.

If you have co-authors, we recommend to confirm that the other authors also wish to deposit in SURE.

The case you have the copyright:

  • If the content has only a single author, submission of the content will be considered as the copyright(Right of reproduction, Right of public transmission) permission being granted.
  • If you have co-authors, please obtain their approval before depositing the content in the repository.
  • We will regard submission files as the copyright permission being granted and also as the approval of co-authors being obtained.

Related Documents

Information about SURE

Related rules


Question about institutional repository

Q. Why do we need repositories when we have electronic journals?
A. Many electronic journals charge a fee. You can read electronic journals because your institution pays for publishers. You cannot read journal articles that are not subscribed to by your institution. One of the major roles of institutional repositories is to make papers available for free.
Q. I have published a paper on my website. Should I deposit it in the repository as well?
A. Yes. Online search engines, such as Google and Bing, will pick up content located in SURE. The content will also be searchable on CiNii and Worldcat. In addition, the repository system is designed to ensure that valuable achievements are permanently stored.
Q. Can I link to SURE from the list of publications on my personal webpage?
A. Yes, you are free to link.

Question about deposit

Q. Is it mandatory to deposit in the repository?
A.No, it is not mandatory. We ask for your cooperation after understanding of the purpose of the repository. As a side note, some bulletins published by Shizuoka University are required to be deposited in the repository. In this case, the content will be deposited in principle.

Q. If I transfer to another university (or resign), what will happen to my deposited content?
A. One of the major roles of the repository is to permanently store deposited content. Even if you are no longer affiliated with Shizuoka University, we will not delete your content or transfer it to the repositories of other organizations.
Q. Can I deposit content from my tenure at other universities?
A.Yes. You can deposit your content if you have the permission of the copyright holder.
Q. How will my deposited content be managed?
A.The content is given metadata to make it easier to search. In addition, a unique number will be assigned for persistent access to content.

Question about copyright

Q.What is the author’s accepted manuscript?
A. The version of the paper accepted by a journal for publication, including modifications from the publishing peer review process.

Q. Which should I submit, Accepted Manuscripts or Published Version?
A. If the published version is not allowed to deposit in the repository, we will ask you to submit accepted manuscripts.
Q. Do I need to obtain agreement from my co-authors?
A. Before depositing the content in the repository, you should confirm that the other authors also wish to do so.

Question about content

Q. What file formats should I send?
A. You may send content as PDF or Word files. Otherwise, please contact us.
Q. Is it possible to search from abroad?
A. Yes. However, if your web browser does not support a multi-language environment (UTF-8), or if your PDF software does not support Japanese, the Japanese text will be garbled.
Contact us
E-Resources Unit
Tel: 054-238-4477 / e-Mail: reposit at adb.shizuoka.ac.jp