  Notice about  “ScienceDirect(Elsevier)” (E-Journals)


Access to “ScienceDirect(Elsevier)” from outside of a campus is unstable now and we are investigating the cause..
We are sorry for your inconvenience, but please wait for a while until restoration.

** If access from outside the university is not successful, please try the following **
1. Click the “Get Access”at the top left of the content page, and then click the “Check Access”.
2. Search “Shizuoka University” on the “Find your institution”.
3. After selecting “Shizuoka University”, click the “Sign in via your institution” and log in with your ShizudaiID.
4. After Welcome back screen is displayed, click the “Continue without registering”.
5. You will be signed in.

  We will not able to pass the stair in front of the library from August 26th.


As renovation of the Faculty of Science, B building, we will not be able to pass the stair in front of the Shizuoka Main Library.
If you come to the library from the direction of the General Education Buildings, please use the West Entrance.
If you come to the library from the direction of the Faculty of Education Buildings, please use the Main Entrance.

This renovation period is below:

August 26th (Mon), 2019 – March 10th (Tue), 2020

We are sorry for the inconvenience but we would appreciate your cooperation.


(*Click the image to open the PDF.)