  (Students Only) Survey on Loan Limits


Shizuoka University Library is considering revising the loan limits for students to better meet their needs.
To guide this revision, we are conducting a survey to gather your opinions on the current loan limits and usage.
We kindly ask for the cooperation of all students in this effort.

Survey on loan limits (This page is japanese text only.)

  • This survey does not collect any personal information.
    Additionally, your responses will only be used for the purpose of revising the loan limits.
  • Please submit your responses to this survey by February 28, 2025.

  Introduction of the Transformative Agreement and APC Discount


Shizuoka University will introduce a transformative agreement with Wiley and SpringerNature that encompasses the Article Processing Charge(APC) and the e-journals subscription fee from January 2025.

Under this agreement, APC discounts are applied to articles submitted to Wiley journals by authors affiliated with Shizuoka University.

■Period  2025/1/1-2025/12/31

Click here(On-Campus Page) for more information.